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Arch Downie

Executive Leadership and Mindset Consultant
at Proctor Gallagher Institute


About Arch

Hi, I’m Arch Downie, Executive Leadership and Development Consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute. I was drawn to PGI because they have been helping people achieve their goals and dreams for over 60 years. With such proven success, I wanted to do the same.

Arch Downie.
Executive Leadership and Mindset Consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute.

Through my own journey, I have discovered that I have the tools and resources I need to overcome my “fear of heights” and climb my mountain. One thing that made a big difference for me was building clarity and awareness. I didn’t know I had these limitations. Nor did I know that I already had the skills and resources within me to release my limitations. This was holding me back from achieving so many things I wanted to do. One of the most powerful things I have learned is that the way we see ourselves, has an enormous impact on the results we are able to achieve in our lives.

Now that I have changed the way I see myself, I am thriving, rather than existing. I have completely changed the course of my life and am now on my journey of achieving what I really want for my life.

It is because of my own personal experience that I am passionate about helping others set themselves free and achieve what they most want to achieve. If you desire true change or are at the crossroads, knowing that you deserve more, or are unsure how to begin this journey, then I am here to help you.

Through the Thinking Into Results program, I help you overcome those negative thoughts and actions which hold you back (your “fear of heights”),learn how to increase your self-confidence and resilience, become infinitely more powerful and live the life you choose to live.

To find out how and why for you, book a no obligation chat with me

I help you overcome the negative thoughts and actions which hold you back, learn how to build self-confidence and resilience, become powerful beyond measure and live YOUR power life.

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